tgh ari td aq kuar jap nak p DP + MP..nak cuci2 mate + nak hilag kan tension..tym tnggu bus kat bus stop, ade la bape owg bdk laki dtg ke tmpat dye owg dok blakang, aq pun wat x tau je..tibe2 sowg bdk laki dtg dok sbelah jauh ckit laa..t'kejut jap (tp ku x mlatah taw)..pelan2 dye dtg kat tpi pun wat x tau je..bile laki tue nmpk aq wat x tau kehadiran dye tue, ape ag trus blah mamat tue..
lpas tue aq pun naek bus p mlake central..smpai kat mlake central, aq pun naek bus nak p MP..
tibe2 mamat bangla dok sbelah ape ag bengang tahap dewa laa..da le dok x btul smpai tmpat aq pun dye nak dok sabar je laa..pas tue ade owg call bangla tue..dye nak amek hp kat poket sluar dye tgn dye kene bdn sabar je dah bnyk kali tgn dye t'kene bdn aq, aq pun ape ag trus marah..t'kejut dye jap..
da le dok x btul + tgn dye t'kene bdn aq..ingt aq nie ape huhh..
sesuke ati ko je ea..budush nye bangla..urghhhhh..
rase nak blasah je bangla tue laa..
aishhhh..sabar je laa..
pas tue ku p tesco..asyik jln je kan aq nie..he3..
tym nak msuk tesco tibe2 ade sowg mamat nie tahan aq + min..
rupe nye dye nak trangkan pasal ape pun dah lupe..he2..
kte owg mnolak tp dye ckp skejap je nak trang kan..kte owg pun t'pakse ikot owg tue..kte owg ikot pun coz dye nsem..ha3..kte owg dgr je laa ape yg dye bebel kan..gtal kan kte owg nie..
k laa..nnt ku continue yek..mau study algo coz ku ade test..
aq nak jd komander..actually ku takut nak apply..yelaa..dye owg bg tau agak susah juge bile da jd best kot jd komander..bole jerit2 (aq suke jerit2 sbenar nye)..hu3..pape pun wish me luck yek..biar ku dpt jd komander..=)
ku x tau nape ngan bdk klas sowg nie laa..suke sgt plih kwn..cari aq tym dye susa..ishhh..ingt aq nie ape huhh..
pas tue kan dye nie suke sgt debik sbar je laa..pas tue aq nak blas balek dye lari b'+ menyirap..
tp ksbaran ku mletup juge..tym tue klas discrete maths dye tndang2 krusi sabar je dye wat bnyk kali aq pun tngking dye..trus snyap bdk nie..
bdk nie mmg x reti hormat owg laa even aq nie tua staun ngan dye nie..
ishhh..sabar je x tau nak cite kat sape..nak cite kat mama aq plak, mama aq dah pning ngan keje + owg bwhan dye..huhuhuhuhuhuhu..
naseb baek laa ieda + kila prasan bnda nie..naseb dye owg pun same mcm ku juge..
p/s : jgn la plih kwn sgt ye..+ jgn laa tym kite susa baru kte nak cari kwn kte tue..
pas tue kan dye nie suke sgt debik sbar je laa..pas tue aq nak blas balek dye lari b'+ menyirap..
tp ksbaran ku mletup juge..tym tue klas discrete maths dye tndang2 krusi sabar je dye wat bnyk kali aq pun tngking dye..trus snyap bdk nie..
bdk nie mmg x reti hormat owg laa even aq nie tua staun ngan dye nie..
ishhh..sabar je x tau nak cite kat sape..nak cite kat mama aq plak, mama aq dah pning ngan keje + owg bwhan dye..huhuhuhuhuhuhu..
naseb baek laa ieda + kila prasan bnda nie..naseb dye owg pun same mcm ku juge..
p/s : jgn la plih kwn sgt ye..+ jgn laa tym kite susa baru kte nak cari kwn kte tue..
keje gile~
mlm esok ade latihan kawad + menari..gile laaa..confirm penat gile nak mampos..uishhh..rase nak tarik dri je utk dance nie..bnyk gile step yg wat aq confuse..kalo kawad laen da ade basic kawad..tue pun aq kawad tym aq kene p plkn..hu3..kawad x de laa pnat kalo dance nie pnat gile..x larat aq nak wat..huhhh..rase nak cabut lari je laa..he2..
account test~
esok ade test x suke subject nie..saket pale taw x tym wat exercise account nie..huhhh..mlm nie nak wat group discussion ngan bdk laki klas aq..hu3..hrp2 phm la ckit..
pape pun wish me luck ye..=)
pape pun wish me luck ye..=)
menari + kawad = narwad..
smlam ku masuk citrawarna..mkne nye ku kene menari..OMG..seumur idup ku x pena menari dpan owg..ade event pd 11/3 until 13/ bape minggu je nak praktis..uishhh..confirm my mom ckp dunie nie da t'balek..ha3..
pas tue ari nie ku masuk p'tandingan kawad..every day kene praktis kawad..gile laa..confirm tym class ku tido nie..ku sanggup wat ape saje utk dpt kan A utk koku + sjil skali..mmg x balek umah jwb nye..hu3..
ku nak balek umah..indu gile kat mskan mama ku..=(
algo + C++~
ari nie ade 2 quiz..mcm bengong pale otak ku bile jwb soaln algo + c++..
nasib baek laa senang..hu3..(over confident la plak)..
ari kames nie plak ade test account..uishhh..subject yg mmbuatkan aq saket pale 2 ari..hu2..
pape pun harap2 dpt llus..
miz my bff aka my twin~
rindu sgt kat my twin..=(
ramnah..balek msia cpat..
dah lame kte x wat keje gile lyke drive kete ngan kte x de lsen kete pas tue p mrayap..+ p laut tym mlm..+ sakat owg..hu3..
cpat laa balek dari ireland ye..
komik2 ku da tunggu ko nie..ko tido je kat umah aq 1 week ye..bace la komik2 ku yg b'sepah kat blik ku tue..hu3..
kte owg same2 tembam..hak3..=p
Martin + Facundo Lombard~
dey all nie mmg cute laa..uishhh..truje ku tgk dye owg bile dye owg dance same2 dlm cite Step up 3D..actually cite nie dah ku suke tgk dye owg..
mmg smart laa tgk dye owg shuffle..hu3..ku admire gile kat dye owg..suke33333..
mmg smart laa tgk dye owg shuffle..hu3..ku admire gile kat dye owg..suke33333..
mama ku dtg~
yeayyy..mama dtg tgk ku..he3..=)
dtg pun coz nak tuka lappy..lappy ku wat tuka laa ngan mama nye lappy..he3..
pas tue p breakfast ngan mama + nasi goreng pattaya + teh ice..fuhhh..nikmat nye laen mcm..nak2 lg minx mama suapkan..(ngade2 btul la bdk nie)..hu2..
pas tue p kdai jap coz nak bli my fav choc milk..he2..
n then balek 'pnjara'..
mama siap pesan jgn tinggalkam solat, study, jgn t'pengaruh ngan mmber + jgn ponteng klas..(ponteng klas?..ku x pena ponteng klas wat mase skrg nie laa..hu2)..
akhir nye dpt juge lepak2 ngan mama + abah td..hu3..
tawaf DP + MP~~
dah lame aq x update coz ari rabu ku ade C++ lab test..pas tue ari kames plak ade C++ quiz tp claz cancel + ku lmbt la ku update..
ari slase tue aq + kila + ieda + min p DP + MP + Hatten Square..hu3..kte owg tgk wyg + karaoke + window shopping..=)
kila + ieda yg suke snap pict sndri..
ari slase tue aq + kila + ieda + min p DP + MP + Hatten Square..hu3..kte owg tgk wyg + karaoke + window shopping..=)
kila + ieda yg suke snap pict sndri..
min + fieza..kat dlm bus plak tue..nak sewa kete but kete sewa plak kte owg decide naek bus je laa..
nie kte owg kat Pizza Hut..x tahan lapar coz kte owg fed up ngan owg yg nak sewa kete dye tue..ishhh..
nie kte owg tgh mkn..hu3..masing2 sibuk posing je..=)
nie la hasil nye stelah mnghabiskan pizza + mushroom aer kte owg blum abeskan lg..coz kte owg nak lumbe sape yg cpat abeskan aer dye yg ku yg menang minum smpai abes..he3..=)
lepas mkn pizza, kte owg p karaoke..mmg bsing la kte owg kat dlm blik..aishhhh..masing2 mereleasekan tension..ha2..lpas tue kte owg p window shopping..nak cari kemeja..biar kte owg sragam..he3..
pkul 5.50 kte owg p tgk wayang..tgk cite Khurafat..mmg seram laa tgk cite tue..aishhh..rase nak t'cabut je jantung ku nie..seram tgk hantu tue..dgr sound effect yg seram kte owg da ttup mate ngan tgn..pape pun mmg bez la cite tue..
pas abes je cite kte owg window shopping lg..kali nie kat Hatten Square + MP..mmg rambang mate ku sbar kan ati..ku ingt pesan mama aq..jgn nak bazirkan uit tue..bli bnde yg pnting je..naseb baek ku ingt..kalo x confirm aq bli..he3..
kte owg balek kolej pkul 10 mlm..agak lame laa juge kte owg mrayap..smpai je kolej kte owg trus tido stelah pnat mrayap..
salam maulidur rasul~
ku ingin mngucapkan slam maulidur rasul kat u all..bnyk2 kan laa slawat ke ats nabi Muhamammad saw kte yek..=)
Muslim have no business celebrating Valentine's day~~
I DON’T understand what the big fuss is over the preventive measures adopted by PAS and other Islamic bodies against Muslims who indulge in Valentine’s Day celebrations.
Muslims should have no business celebrating such an occasion as it is forbidden to do so in Islam.
Only Eid-ul-Fitr, which marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadhan, and Eid-ul-Adha, commemorating the annual pilgrimage to Makkah, are Muslim festivals.
There is no other.
Muslims should be aware of this and if they are not, they should be educated. Ignorance is no excuse.
Second, only unmarried Muslim couples who are involved in illicit affairs forbidden by Islam need to be concerned.
Islam is not against love per se but it must be expressed within proper boundaries as allowed in its teachings. Coupling, dating and being in close proximity with members of the opposite gender in isolated and private venues is strictly prohibited as it would entail unhealthy consequences for both parties.
Baby-dumping is one such outcome we are faced with today.
Islam, in its practical dimension, endeavours to block the many winding paths to sinning and wicked conduct that attracts God’s displeasure.
It lays down basic rules and principles on how to identify the nature of sin and keep away from it.
Prevention is better than cure is an Islamic dictum.
A Muslim is expected to play his part not only in keeping away from things that have been forbidden but to ensure his fellow Muslims avoid the many roads to perdition.
Valentine’s Day is another sorry excuse to promote reckless consumerism and persuade gullible people to part with their hard-earned cash.
How could true love be measured with the likes of roses, chocolates and diamond rings?
For the young and immature, they tend to confuse love with lust and the seemingly romantic atmosphere just urges them on to have a go at their willing partner. Thus, it leads to gratuitous sex with far-reaching consequence for the couple.
It contributes to further increase in sexual immorality and perverse conduct, which are contrary to the true meaning and spirit of love itself.
Furthermore, if you truly love someone you don’t need a Valentine’s Day to express it.
I agree that crackdown against sinful activities should not be confined to occasions like Valentine’s Day but should be a 24/7 operation.
We must ever be vigilant against this soul-ravaging menace.
credit to M.Sirajudin
ari nie ade ppkp..stiap sem kene p program nie..smlm pun ade program smlm x bape bez sgt ari nie aq asyik glak x nye bdk2 klas aq + bdk laki QS asyik wat lawak je..saket prut dok glak..=)
naseb baek kte owg 1 klas tym BEL + CTU..kalo ade klas laen confirm x meriah..
pg2 lg dah kene bgn awal..smpai je kat klas,lecturer pun 1st perception aq tgk pn tue mcm bile da lame2 tue my perception is totally siti rupe nye gile2 mcm kte owg..bile bdk2 laki wat lawak, pn siti ckp kowg nie suke sgt wat lawak celaka..ape ag kte owg t'glak laa..smpai kuar aer mate aq asyik glak je..hu3..pkul 11 lbih b'mule episod siti soh kte owg byg kan yg kte owg nie da mninggal dunie..slepas kte owg byg kan, pn siti soh kte owg wat kte owg pun wat la wasiat..after wat wasiat, pn siti soh wakil bace kan wasiat ape yg kte owg tulis..mmg nanges laa dye ngan ego nye mnahan aer mate mleleh akher nye mleleh juge..dye owg siap tulis name gf/bf dye owg skali..uishhhh..dasyat gile..lpas sesi sedih2 nie, pn siti soh kte owg wat presentation..hu3..klam kabut jap aq mnulis point2..lpas tue kne present ape yg kte owg tulis..lpas je wat presentation, pn siti bg krtas yg ade pict kambing itam + putih..dye soh kte owg lakon kan balek ape yg t'dpt dlm pict tue..kte owg mmg glak2 laa tgk lakonan masing2..he2..lpas je sesi lakonan tue kte d divide kan kpd 2 group..kte owg kene argue psl maggi + spageti..bdk2 laki nie over acting plak..dah mcm gado la plak aq tgk dye owg nie..kte owg glak je laa + pning pale tgk dye owg nie..lpas je sesi nie kte owg pun balek laa kolej..hu3..ari nie mmg bez gile2 wlau pun pnat..hu2..
naseb baek kte owg 1 klas tym BEL + CTU..kalo ade klas laen confirm x meriah..
pg2 lg dah kene bgn awal..smpai je kat klas,lecturer pun 1st perception aq tgk pn tue mcm bile da lame2 tue my perception is totally siti rupe nye gile2 mcm kte owg..bile bdk2 laki wat lawak, pn siti ckp kowg nie suke sgt wat lawak celaka..ape ag kte owg t'glak laa..smpai kuar aer mate aq asyik glak je..hu3..pkul 11 lbih b'mule episod siti soh kte owg byg kan yg kte owg nie da mninggal dunie..slepas kte owg byg kan, pn siti soh kte owg wat kte owg pun wat la wasiat..after wat wasiat, pn siti soh wakil bace kan wasiat ape yg kte owg tulis..mmg nanges laa dye ngan ego nye mnahan aer mate mleleh akher nye mleleh juge..dye owg siap tulis name gf/bf dye owg skali..uishhhh..dasyat gile..lpas sesi sedih2 nie, pn siti soh kte owg wat presentation..hu3..klam kabut jap aq mnulis point2..lpas tue kne present ape yg kte owg tulis..lpas je wat presentation, pn siti bg krtas yg ade pict kambing itam + putih..dye soh kte owg lakon kan balek ape yg t'dpt dlm pict tue..kte owg mmg glak2 laa tgk lakonan masing2..he2..lpas je sesi lakonan tue kte d divide kan kpd 2 group..kte owg kene argue psl maggi + spageti..bdk2 laki nie over acting plak..dah mcm gado la plak aq tgk dye owg nie..kte owg glak je laa + pning pale tgk dye owg nie..lpas je sesi nie kte owg pun balek laa kolej..hu3..ari nie mmg bez gile2 wlau pun pnat..hu2..
laksamana sunan~~
aq admire gile2 kat laksamana sunan nie..even dye adelah watak dlm novel nie..
kan bez kalo aq jumpe laki mcm laksamana sunan..he is too prfect..uishhhh..jauh sgt b'angan..hu3..pape pun mmg bez cite nie..
kan bez kalo aq jumpe laki mcm laksamana sunan..he is too prfect..uishhhh..jauh sgt b'angan..hu3..pape pun mmg bez cite nie..
love is...
There’s a quote from Yasmin Ahmad’s Talentime that I love the most. It sounds like this;
" If the Moon can linger in the morning so bright, why can’t the Sun do the same at night? "
As I was walking back from my clinical rotation in Bons Secours Hospital today, the day was very beautiful and sunny, so I looked up to the blue sky spotted with white fluffy clouds to enjoy every moment of it and I realized the moon is still there not even hiding behind the clouds at 11.30 a.m.
And so I remembered the quote from the movie and yes, it’s true. The Moon even lingers up till noon when the day is very sunny. But it would not even appear on a gloomy rainy day when the Sun is hiding not showing himself. So I started to have this kind of imagination and fantasy about the Sun and the Moon.
For me, I always think, the Sun as a male as it portrays the Masculine features of strong, bright but sometimes could be very vulnerable. The Moon on the other hand is the female, with endless beauty, very serene to look at but could be very lonely.They made a very good and perfect couple, like it was destined from Heaven.
Have you ever thought that the Sun and the Moon are actually lovers?
Why not?
I mean because the Sun and the Moon are just like Adam and Eve. Without the Sun, the Moon will never exist to us as it only reflected the light from the Sun. So did Eve who was made from Adam’s rib, created to fill the spaces between Adam’s fingers. What a lovely couple the Sun and the Moon are, just like how lovely Adam and Eve were. Both couples were created in Heaven to shine upon all the mankind. It’s just that the love of the Sun and the Moon existed much longer before the love of Adam and Eve and their love persisted until today.
If the love of Adam and Eve is brought down from one generation to the next and the love breed filling every corner of the earth from the seed of love of Adam and Eve, the Sun and the Moon is different. Their love existed from the beginning of the world till the Day of Judgment and it will never change and it will never breed. Human’s Love blossoms from loyalty but can be full of cheat, treacherous and bitter to each other. But the Sun and the Moon always loyal to each other since the dawn of time up till now. Their love just never fades away like our love. That is the true power of Love.
Sadly, the Sun and the Moon live in separation. Never be able to live together like we did. No matter how strong their love is, they are not destined to be together in this lifetime. The Sun will appear on the day to shine on the mankind but the Moon can only appear in the night to entertain the heartbroken ones. One day the Moon said to the Sun;
“Oh my Love, you shine on the humans and made them happy for the rest of the day, and I will entertain them and give them a sense of peace and happiness in the night while they are making love, but truly I am lonely myself. You are never in my company. Will we be able to hold hands together like the human did?”
And so the Sun replied;
“Oh my Dear, I’m not trying to shine on them, but rather I’m shining my love on you so that you are not lonely. My light will make you glow beautifully and your beauty will make every eyes of the girls filled with envy and jealousy. We live in a world apart but I will always shine my love for you forever until The Lord Almighty bring us together in the Heaven.”
The Moon is satisfied with the answer but never content with it. She loves the Sun so much that it is unbearable for her to live in separation.
One day, the Moon thought to herself, my heart must never falter and I must be strong in order to be with the Sun. From today on, I will linger on the sky until morning just to see the Sun even if it’s only for a while. The Moon was trying to show and prove her endless love to the Sun. So she stays every morning until noon just to have a brief moment with the Sun even her light is never the same as the night time. Her beauty is fading by the morning and she is sad that she cannot show the Sun her beauty. Even both of them appear on the same morning, they can only look at each other from a distant. They can never be closed enough to hold hands or to embrace each other tightly. Even so, the Moon was very happy because they got to see each other. Sadly for the Sun, he can only see the pale face of the Moon starring at him every morning, not that brightly glowing and the beautiful Moon. So the Sun asked the Mon;
"Oh my Love, why do you look so pale and sad?"
The Moon replied;
“Oh my Love, I’m sad because I can’t be with you and above of all, I’m pale because you are shinning so bright. You showered me with so much love that it caused me so much pain just to think that I’m not with you.”
The Sun is confused so he asked the Moon;
“Oh my Love, do you want me reduce my love for you so that you can light up the morning sky with your glow and smile?”
Listening to that, the Moon said quickly;
"Oh my Love, Never. If you don’t shine your love on me then I will forever be in the dark even at night and the scar on me will never heal.”
So the Sun and the Moon continue to live like that. The Sun will shine the earth every day and when the night comes, the lonely Moon will try to cast the loneliness of the humans away. They got to see each other every morning and then they’ll be separated again. So the Moon is becoming greedier. She longs for the Sun every moment and watching him from a far every morning is not enough anymore.
So, the Moon asked the Sun again;
"Oh my Love, If I can linger in the morning so bright, why can't you do the same at night? If you are present at night, I can always show you my beauty."
Hearing to the question, the Sun becomes clueless and don’t have the answer himself. He also wonders why can’t he shine at night. After giving some thought about it, the Sun replied;
"Oh my dear, have you forgotten the Words of Allah from the Holy Book of Al-Quran?"
So the Sun recited a verse of Al-Quran from Az-Zumar verse 5.
He has created the heavens and the earth with truth. He makes the night to go in the day and makes the day to go in the night. and He has subjected the sun andthe moon. Each running (on a fixed course) for an appointed term. Verily, He is the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving.
Listening to the verse, the Moon burst into tears and asked for Forgiveness from the Lord Almighty as she was trying to defy the rules of creation. Allah has made their destiny as so. She realizes that she could never be together with her beloved Sun. All she can do is to watch him from a far with pale, and sad eyes.
To ease the sadness of the Moon, the Sun then recited a verse from Al-Qiyamah, verse 9.
...and the sun and moon will be joined together (by going one into the other or folded up or deprived of their light).
“Oh My Love, there will be time when we will be together. Please be patient",the Sun said.
So the Moon and the Sun has been waiting and waiting until the Lord Almighty wishes them to meet each other.
The Sun and The Moon’s love is a very tragic love. Loving each other but never able to be together. There’s always that kind of love in this life that will never be able to be together in this world and surely Allah will grant your love wishes in the Heaven. Fate is in the Hand of Allah and Destiny is Allah’s haq for his servants. There will be time when your love will be realized. If Dunia Cinta is not for you, then Syurga Cintais waiting for you. Adam and Eve met in Jabal Rahmah after years of searching and Allah fulfilled their love wishes. Just like the Sun and the Moon. Their love is destined to be together on the Day of Judgment. Allah has promised in Al-Qiyamah, when the Day of Judgment occurred is the time when the Sun and the Moon will meet. Oddly for them, in the chaos of the end of the world is the time for them to be happy forever.
For the love that is never to be realized in this world, I’m praying to God to give us the strength to be patient until the love comes to realize in the Paradise full of Happiness. Just wait like how the Sun and the Moon has been waiting for each other from the beginning of the world until the End of the World. Whenever you are tired of waiting, think of how long the Sun and the Moon have been waiting.
Remember Allah’s promise to those who are patient;
And those who remain patient, seeking their Lord’s Countenance, perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and spend out of that which We have bestowed on them, secretly and openly, and defend evil with good, for such there is a good end. (Ar-Rad, 22)
And also, for the unmarried couple who are so in love with each other, there’s a boundary of which you can’t cross. Never to touch what is not yours. Never take it too far until you are lost with love of lust until it became Nafsu Cinta. Just like the Moon and the Sun, they wait with patient for the time, so you should do the same. Your time will come when you tie the knot and you can touch whatever that is yours.Love is a form of Test from Allah. The lovey dovey thing would be for nothing and fruitless if it’s not purify with Ikhlas only for Allah’s sake. You want to harvest the sweetest fruit (pious children) coming out of your love. If you fail the test of love, then you would not reach the Paradise, do you? Patient is definitely what being tested in love. And those who are pious should be able to excel the test well. First Class Honors maybe.
Do you think that you will enter Paradise before Allah tests those of you who fought (in His Cause) and (also) tests those who are As-Sabirun (the patient)? (Ali-Imran, 142)
A woman is only halal for you when you marry her. Even if you change your Facebook status countless time, announcing you are now in relationship with that girl or that boy, nothing ever changes between you and her. Both of you remains ‘Haram’ for each other. So does engagement. Engagement would not automatically says she is ultimately yours. As I said before, marriage is the only way that you and your loved ones can act, live and love as a couple.
Allah saw said in Al-Quran :
Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils) ~ (Al-Isra’, 32)
And the Prophet described what is the form adultery from the Hadith.
Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas: I did not see anything so resembling minor sins as what Abu Huraira said from the Prophet, who said, “Allah has written for the son of Adam his inevitable share of adultery whether he is aware of it or not: The adultery of the eye is the looking (at something which is sinful to look at), and the adultery of the tongue is to utter (what it is unlawful to utter), and the innerself wishes and longs for (adultery) and the private parts turn that into reality or refrain from submitting to the temptation.” (Sahih Bukhari)
Love is a funny thing, can be dangerous, can be tricky, can be a-long-tiring-endless-waiting, but if you love the right way you will surely touch the Heaven of Earth and the Heaven in the Hereafter.
mlm nie ade pmilihan utk sukan n wakil utk nak msuk sport tenis..hu3..hope t'plih laa..
dah lame kot x maen tenis..x de partner nak next friday ade p'jumpaan safa lg..aishhh..bile aq nak balek umah nie..nak b'kepit ngan week plak ade program anjuran fakulti..ishhh..nie x nak bg aq balek umah ke..mmg mati kebosanan aq kat cni..urghh..
dah lame kot x maen tenis..x de partner nak next friday ade p'jumpaan safa lg..aishhh..bile aq nak balek umah nie..nak b'kepit ngan week plak ade program anjuran fakulti..ishhh..nie x nak bg aq balek umah ke..mmg mati kebosanan aq kat cni..urghh..
pg2 lg dah p jumpe lecturer coz nak tnye psl soklan jumpe sir pun sbb ari nie ade quiz acc..ha2..=D
mmg klaka gile tym ngan sir..sir tnye aq ade soklan nak tnye plak geleng pale je..dak kila nyampuk ckp aq nie malu ngan sir..sir plak glak je..malu kot..ha2..<blushing>..ptg plak quiz acc..pning pale jap wat x bole nak wat coz sir ade kat dok dpan aq plak tue..ishhhh..sir2..agak seng ckit laa quiz tue..hu3..k r..nnt aq continue balek ye..nak wat program plak..bye3..
mmg klaka gile tym ngan sir..sir tnye aq ade soklan nak tnye plak geleng pale je..dak kila nyampuk ckp aq nie malu ngan sir..sir plak glak je..malu kot..ha2..<blushing>..ptg plak quiz acc..pning pale jap wat x bole nak wat coz sir ade kat dok dpan aq plak tue..ishhhh..sir2..agak seng ckit laa quiz tue..hu3..k r..nnt aq continue balek ye..nak wat program plak..bye3..
msg yg bukn2 dari laki..
aq bukak myspace je msti ade msg yg b'unsurkan *&%..aishhhh..dye owg ingt aq nie lyn ke msg2 dye owg nie..sory naek lori r..tanpe mmbuang mase aq trus block dye owg..wakakakaka..pdn muke kowg..naseb baek aq bukak fb + tagged x de msg yg bukan2..kalo la owg tue ade kat dpan aq da lame aq tampar dye owg laju2..hua3..baru puas ati aq..he2..
yeayyy..akhir nye siap juge assignment C++..lega ckit laa stelah pning pale nak solve problem tue..pas tue nak kene wat program + run program tue nasib baek coursemate aq tlg ajar ckit2..hu3..pape pun credit to min + ieda + daya + kila tlg aq yg slalu tension tym C++ nie..he3..=)..
hahh..nie hasil keje aq..nie baru input..blum ag output.. =)
hahh..nie hasil keje aq..nie baru input..blum ag output.. =)
urghh..diz week aq rase nak nanges je bile dpt mrkah rndah ckit utk quiz maths n C++..=(
rase nak wat balek je quiz tue..dah le ngan assignment b'lmbak2.. aishhhh..ari jumaat nie plak ade 1st test maths..
hope dpt wat yg t' nak klh kan dak amar yg kerek tue..ko siap le akan klh kan ko..hu3..
rase nak wat balek je quiz tue..dah le ngan assignment b'lmbak2.. aishhhh..ari jumaat nie plak ade 1st test maths..
hope dpt wat yg t' nak klh kan dak amar yg kerek tue..ko siap le akan klh kan ko..hu3..
balek lendu?..oh no!..
ari nie last dok kene balek Lendu..=(..cuti da nak extend je cuti nie laa nak balek sane..tension gile dok sane..evry day kene naek trun tangge..dah le da mcm kat Batu Cave..punye le tnggi..aishhh..bole trun brat bdn aq dgn mendadak nye..pape pun kene balek juge kan..k nak p packing brg laa..bye3..
hi .. today I was very fed up bcoz my documents on my laptop is lost ..n I am very la tension note C++ was missing .. n da pictures were lost as well ..aishhh..rase nak je cmpak je lappy aq nie..ishhhhh..
lawak kampus
haaaa..yg nie lawak kampus yg ade sume collection nie taw..(bangge laa plak)..mmg sakit prut kalo bace komik nie..hu3..
nie aq selitkan ckit dye nye cite..
yg nie plak dlm magazines Gempak..
p/s: sorry..pict nye x bape trang scan x btul ckit..he3..sorry yek..
yg nie plak dlm magazines Gempak..
p/s: sorry..pict nye x bape trang scan x btul ckit..he3..sorry yek..
hiii..yg nie plak komik paling bez aq pena bace..dye nye drawing tip top laa after Kaoru..
yg nie aq selit kan ckit dye nye jln cite..
kalo nak bace komik nie smpai abis kene laa bli sndri..hu3..
yg nie aq selit kan ckit dye nye jln cite..
kalo nak bace komik nie smpai abis kene laa bli sndri..hu3..
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